Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Canthus twitching

It's been few days after that my right eyes external canthus has been twitching involuntarily.

Hmm...Not really signalling something good. I think it's giving me hint that something bad is coming.

Well, i am not sure if it's true enough. On the first day of twitching itself, my external hard disc somehow was claimed by my computer as "corrupted and unreadable"; And that was really of a "great help".

I promised TY to send over some stuff through the internet but finally didn't manage to send it as my external hard disc crashed. At that moment, it was really creating a sense of impending doom as all my data including my academic stuff that i will be needing in sem 10 are all inside and i have just got 1 copy of it

Sigh...i wasted almost 1-2 hours just to find the solution to it..Luckily, i manage to repair it using the repair procedure..Or else, all the data would have been lost into ash..

Today itself, i had my shoe torn with "Open mouth view" to become a flip-flop after V accidentally step on it. Well, i am expecting it to be worn out soon but not so soon...real sad. Guess i will have to send it to the butler shop to have it repaired. I likes that shoe as it was a comforting shoe and the only shoe which lasted me for about 2 years without needing to change one. I am considered lucky as it only got torn off at the end of the day and not the start of the day. Otherwise, i just can't imagine how will be the day like..haha

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Status Does Matter

Was discussing on a matter of "clock" reading with a few of them where the conversation lead to a mess..

And, finally, it comes to a answer which i already gave. But, this time, it's from a word of distinguished person.

Status does matters isn't it? How realistic can a human being be...

so, next time, make sure you quote something from a distinguished person to validate your answer.

How irony...

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Aging = Seeing More Weddings & Funeral..

Perhaps, as the days and time keep flying off ; we might not even realise that we are actually getting older and older as the time leave some track on our body.

And, i am reminded today that one of the thing which might make you realise that you are actually getting old is through SEEING MORE WEDDINGS AND FUNERALS.

True enough, as we grow up to a certain age; we might be realising that more and more of our old-time friend or relatives are getting married. Certainly, you are seeing even more funeral rituals going on in the town if you are living in a small town.

How true the statement is...as reminded. I guess i am facing it too..since long time ago when i wasn't really concern about it..

Catastrophic Rain...

Today is another day of my monthly hypnotherapy class. But, in comparison to when i was studying for my certificate and diploma, i was actually taking public transport and "Bus No 11" almost every month when i had the class.

When i was actually reaching the junction before turning into MU entrance, there start the big drops of tear from the sky and in a very short instance; it became a torrential rain which actually can wet the whole of my clothes when if i had to actually just stay in the rain for 5 seconds without cover.

I was thinking back how i was actually so fortunate the last time of being able to walk "safely" until i reached my hypnosis classroom in UM without actually having my self getting soaked.. If i were to talk and public transport for today and then walk inside UM for about 10 minutes to reach the class, i would be certainly fully soaked..haha

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Fresh Fruits ...Lelong Lelong!!!

Looks very healthy isn't it with the variety of fruits available fresh from the "Pasar Malam". Guess what? It's only RM 10 for 17 mixed fruits. There are Fuji Apple, Sunkist Orange, Green Apple and etc..

Hope that i will be as healthy as how they are looking now..haha