Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Yet Another New Stage of Life..

Before i realize about it, it's almost time to go for induction and entering into a new plateform of life- the working life.

The working life is going to deprive me of plenty of pleasure in life but i hope at the same time i will be able to enjoy it at the same time so that the 2 years of suffering is better tolerated.

Should start thinking of what my future plan is; choosing field for specialisation. Psychiatry? Medicine? What field in medicine? Surgery? Neurosurgery?

I know i am very much attracted to the mystery of mind but i am totally not sure of the prospect of psychiatry but at the same time i realised i wouldn't be able to treat the patients with psychiatric issue fully without the help of medications. On the other hand, i am disappointed by the treatments given by the psychiatrist. Most of them prescribe medicine-only treatment. Is this the way of life i wanted?

TCM- Traditional Chinese Medicine? well, i am really interested in getting to know about it. But where and how? I might not have time for it. By the time i finished my housemanship? would be too late probably as the whole course will take another 5 years of study...

And, i am yet to finish with my study of hypnotherapy. This is probably going to take a few more years.. Another CBT-cognitive behavioural hypnotherapy practitioner diploma to be taken before i can proceed to the Master programme. That is also not that guaranteed. Probably will have to take the bridging programme as the course i am studying is not accreditated by the overseas university at the moment.

Where to go???

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Free Online Medical Resources

Just wana packed up all the reliable online resources that is freely available for public or medical views.

Medical :

1) http://emedicine.medscape.com/
This website provide a wide range of medical information including detailed management of specific disease therefore is very useful for medical personals.

2) http://www.webmd.com/

3) http://medlineplus.gov/

4) http://www.imaios.com/en/

5) Internet Scientific Publications
- covers a wide range of medical and surgical specialties

6) British Medical Journal - Student Site
pretty much a revision website for medical students.

7) National Comprehensive Cancer Network
- providing information from the range of basic oncology/ tumour to specific tumours and its management.

8) Family Practice Notebook
- useful wide range of common medical illnesses and the treatment.

9) Oxford Journals

10) British Society of Rheumatology
- provide information on joints diseases.

11) Endotext
- resources for endocrinology.

Surgery :

1)Bailey and Love. com
- multiple essential links in multiple surgical specialties including general surgery, vascular surgery, cardiothoracic surgery and etc for information of surgically-treatable diseases.

Orthopedic :

1) http://www.orthopaedicweblinks.com
2) http://www.wheelessonline.com/

Obstetric and Gynaecology

1) Royal college of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
- privide useful O & G guidelines for medical and lay persons.


1) Anaesthesia UK
- importatn organization in UK with plenty of Anaesthesia guidelines


1) http://www.opt.indiana.edu/riley/HomePage/1lecturenotes.html

Dermatology / Skin Diseases

1) Derm Net NZ
- provide brief and simple information for reference. easy to read and understand.

2) European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology
- give of vital info regarding skin diseases and venereal / sexually transmitted skin diseases.

Online Medical Resources