Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Radiology Posting

We have started with Radiological Posting(Sem 9) since yesterday,it's a 2 week rotation posting whereby we need to learn about the essential radiological investigations in the hospitals which include Ultrasound (U/L), Plain Radiograph, CT scan, MRI, Fluoroscopy, Intravenous Urogram (IVU)and mammogram.

All these are available for us to access with the exception to mammogram of course. It's for patient's privacy.

Somehow, it has been scheduled that Tue, Thurs and Fri to be Fluoroscopy day which is the investigating machine for Barium Studies and Cystouretrogram.

On today itself, we saw 2 cases of cystorethrogram, 1 case of Barium Meal and Another case of Barium Enema.

Most interestingly, we tasted the Barrium Sulphate which is the contrast used in the study. Well.. it's doesn't taste so bad but we didn't really took so much of course. Orelse, we will surely be running to the toilet. Haha

Barium Meal itself is not a comfortable test as patient need to swallow about 6 small cups of Barium Sulphate so that a few view of radiograph can be taken to see the abnormalities in the oesophagus while standing.

On the other hand, Barium Enema can be a real havoc. It's infused into the patient's rectum via a large catether and later air is also pumped in so that a double contrast barium enema can be demonstrated on the radiograph. Besides that, it requires various turning of position so that the entire colon could be coated to view the entire colonic mucosae in order not to miss any abnormalities.

It's been an interesting day today that we managed to see all the interesting procedures. if we were to stay in MRI or CT scan room, probably there will be lot of fungus growing over there..haha

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