Sunday, April 13, 2008

Self-Integrity(Things you probably shouldn't be doing)

In the routine day to day life, we often create conflicts with others as most people have their own opinion on how each thing should be done. However, we need to consciously remind ourself that it's not important to criticize what others is doing. Instead, remind them politely if they are wrong and encourage or praise them whenever they do something right

Belows are few things that we shouldn't or should be doing :
Will add on as time goes by....

1) Remind/ advice a person politely if he/she did something wrong(best if without a third party/person)

2) Provide appropriate response (feedback, agreement etc.) to the talking person as people tend to talk to get response (even if it's just a small smile)

3) Always observe others behaviour and Facial response (grimace, angry inside etc..)
It can help you a lot in day to day life.

4) Plan your arguments wisely(and i mean it) before you argue with your boss. Do not trigger any "War" unnecessarily!! you will not know when he is of bad mood and get back on you...

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